We want you to have the best possible chance for success with SF Civic Tech. Here are some steps to help get you started.
[ ] Step 1: Fill out our 2 minute form so we can help match you with opportunities
[ ] Step 2: Read our Code of Conduct! We expect all participants in our community to be wonderful to each other. Don't be a jerk, and don't tolerate jerks.
[ ] Step 3: Join our slack organization! If you're not sure how to use Slack, check out this quick start guide below:
[ ] Step 4: Find a project you're interested in learning more about on our Project Page. Every project has a channel where they meet on slack. You'll find this info on the project page.
[ ] Step 5: Join an Orientation Session. We host weekly hack nights on Wednesdays @ 6:30pm using a Zoom video meeting and welcome new members to join us to meet others and hear from any active projects that are recruiting new members.
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting